UP Pep Rocks!

Congratulations to the UP Pep Squad, the 2007 UAAP Cheerdance Competition Champions! I had goosebumps after watching their flawlessly executed routine, I haven’t felt that way since UP won the crown in 2001. This is welcome news after UP’s dismal 0-14 showing this UAAP Men’s Basketball season.

Mimi was able to shoot photos of the cheerdance competition and break in our new Canon 40D.

The whole UP community showed up in full force!

UP’s theme this year is “Rock” which they incorporated with their costume and hairstyle.

The Pep Squad seconds before announcing the winner.

A nice gesture from the defending champions.

The UP crowd singing “UP Naming Mahal”.

UST’s SDT placed second and as usual they were in top form.

The FEU ‘Penguins’ doing their ‘Happy Feet’ routine.

When the UE Warriors came out the dugout, I had a sudden 80’s flashback of Debraliz in the same aerobics attire. πŸ˜†

A picture worth a thousand jokes. *peace* hehe

NU Bulldogs in their Cyclops attire.

More photos to follow! πŸ˜‰