Tagaytay Midlands

Eric + Klassy (Tagaytay Midlands)
We’ve been at this wedding photography business for almost eight years now and we’ve always focused on producing beautifully crafted and timeless wedding albums for our clients. With the retina display of the new iPad and the iBooks app from Apple, we believe the time has come for an iPad photo album. Although the traditional […]
Bindoy + Kathy (Madre de Dios, Tagaytay Midlands)
Basing on Kathy and Bindoy’s wedding, I guess their top 3 priorities in life would be God, each other and coffee. If they could’ve fit all of their guests in Starbucks Tagaytay, I bet they would have had their wedding reception there. But they did the next best thing though, by hiring event stylist Badang […]