yellow and blue

Mike + Louie (Santuario de San Antonio, Blue Leaf Pavillion)
If I could describe Mike and Louie’s wedding it would probably be geek chic meets whimsy — a mix of Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, pinwheels and carnival. What can be geekier than Dungeons and Dragons dice cufflinks for the groom? Both being big Lord of the Rings fans, Mike wore the One […]
Norwelle + Genny (NSDG, Blue Leaf)
Sorry for the lack of updates on MimiandKarl. In the meantime, we welcome a guest blogger, our good friend Ernest Pascual, erstwhile known in the wedding circles as The Details Diva and the purveyor of good taste in weddings at Bespoke Manila. ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ […]